Display of prices on Delcampe


Dear all,

The changes announced by the Delcampe website regarding the display of prices will likely have an impact on our service. Please rest assured that we are fully committed to adapting our sniper as quickly as possible to ensure its proper functionality.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding during this adjustment period.

Best regards,

UPD: our sniper was adjusted and work perfectly well. We will monitor the situation closely. Feel free to report any bug you might come across.

Delcampe layout changed


Today, Delcampe made substantial changes to their item page layout, which impacted our sniper service.

Our sniper relies on parsing Delcampe's page layouts, and significant changes can lead to temporary disruptions. As a result of these changes, Snippy mistakenly identified all items as direct sales, causing many missions to be canceled and preventing the creation of new missions.

We are pleased to inform you that the issue with our Delcampe sniper has been resolved. We are closely monitoring the situation to ensure continued stability.

If some of your missions were canceled because Snippy mistakenly identified the items as direct sales, please recreate the missions.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding. Rest assured that we always strive to respond swiftly and adapt to changes in order to minimize disruptions.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your patience and support.

Best regards,

Technical Incident


Snippy's has just experienced its first serious technical incident in several years.

Due to human error, our sniper was inactive for about an hour. This affected auctions on both Delcampe and eBay.

The service is now restored and fully functional.

Unfortunately, several bids could not be placed during this period. When the sniper was brought back online, it also quickly placed bids on sales that had been renewed in the meantime.

We are truly sorry for this incident. We will now look into the causes of this incident, and put in place the necessary measures to ensure that it never happens again in the future.


Delcampe login issues


A few hours ago, Snippy's started having difficulties logging in Delcampe users. This was caused by multiple factors:

1/ Delcampe recently forced many users to update their password. Some of our users did not update their new Delcampe password on Snippy's. Therefore, Snippy's could not log into these accounts.

2/ Location based login prevention was enforced on many Delcampe user accounts. At this point, it is unclear whether this was forcibly changed by Delcampe or if these users were led to change this Delcampe account setting willingly. In any case, when Snippy's tries to log into those accounts, it receives the following message: 'You have been automatically disconnected because you logged in from a country you didn't authorize. You will receive an email to connect automatically and modify your settings.'

As a result, many Delcampe login failed. Because of a security feature in place at Delcampe, the problem escalated further.

Because of this succession of events, many bids could not be placed in the last hours. We are very sorry for this.

We are working hard on working around this issue. What you can do to alleviate this issue is:

1/ Make sure that your Delcampe password is up to date on Snippy's (might be difficult at this time, try again a few hours later if you are having difficulties)

2/ Make sure your Delcampe account settings allow logins from the countries where our snipers are located. Physically, they are located in France, but we are unsure where Delcampe actually thinks they are located. Please check the e-mail Delcampe sent to you if you were affected by this problem as it may contain more information.

A final reminder: we do everything we can to make sure all your bids are placed in due time. However, not all the cards are in our hands. If and when Delcampe changes the way bids are handled, or in this case, the way login works, then we have to adjust. We try to be as proactive as possible, and when necessary, as reactive as possible. We thank you in advance for your understanding.

Delcampe password updates


Friendly reminder: whenever you change your account password on Delcampe, you should remember to update Snippy's. If you don't, then your next missions may fail to complete.

To update Snippy's, just navigate to Missions > Delcampe > Bid accounts and then click on the key icon next to your account name. Click on 'Password' and follow the instructions.

Happy bidding!

Delcampe changes


Today, Delcampe introduced two changes to their website.

The first one is the anonymization of the bid history. You can now only see your name in the bidder list, other names are obfuscated. As a result of this change, Snippy's has been unable to determine the sale winner for some of the latests missions. Some of you were charged despite having lost the auction. We corrected our software, this should not happen anymore. We also corrected the mistakes and refunded everyone as needed. Please let us know if you believe your mission was incorrectly charged and we have not rectified the error.

The second change is the introduction of the last minute extension for every auction. This means that every bid placed within the last minute of the auction will automatically extend the sale by 60 seconds. We believe that the impact on the benefits of using our service is only marginal. However, we do recommend to use a buffer value of 61 seconds. In our view, this has always been the optimal buffer value for auctions with automatic extensions.

Happy bidding!

Delcampe accounts issue


An issue prevented our users to link a new Delcampe account or to update / test an already linked Delcampe account password.

This issue has now been resolved, everything should work as expected.

We thank you for your patience.

eBay sniper: ready for action


We are very excited to announce that our public test period will come to an end next Monday (29th of November).

We are happy to report that our new eBay sniper is exceeding our expectations, with no issues either observed by us or reported by our users.

This means that all our users will have access to our eBay sniper from next Monday on.

Happy bidding!

eBay sniper: call for testers


We finally sorted out the last issues that prevented us from bringing our eBay sniper back to life. Our new eBay sniper should be more reliable and more accurate than it has ever been in the past. We are confident that it is now ready for public use.

Before a full release, we would like to go through a beta testing phase. During that phase, selected users will be able to use our sniper with no restrictions, for free. We would just ask them to report any issue they would come across, and to work with us while we resolve them.

If you are interested in joining our testing program, feel free to contact us.

NB: We do answer to every and each e-mail we receive, usually in a timely manner. Please make sure to check your spam folder if you did not receive a response from us.

Thanks in advance for your support!

Call Snippy's


We are happy to announce the immediate availability of our new tool: the 'Call Snippy's' button.

This replaces the 'Call Snippy's' button we had with the previous website version. The feature is similar: click the button while browsing the auction website in order to easily register a mission on the item you are viewing.

However, it is now much simpler to install because we made it a browser add-on, available from the add-on stores of the three main Internet browsers (Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge).

For more information, and specific details for each browser, please check the dedicated section on our snipedia page.

As usual, feel free to contact us if you have any question related to this new tool.

Happy bidding!

Delcampe account linkage - limits


For security reasons, the number of account tests that we can perform every hour is limited. Since our reopening last Monday, many of you have been linking your Delcampe accounts.

At peak hours, our limit is reached and the procedure cannot be carried out. We understand that this situation can be quite frustrating. Unfortunately, there is not much that we can do at our end.

If you are unable to link your Delcampe account because of this limit, we kindly ask you to be patient, and to try again some time later.

Delcampe account linkage


A few of you have had issues with authorizing Snippy's to use your Delcampe account.

We identified the source of most of the problems. Most of them should be fixed already, and we will keep working on ironing out the last wrinkles. Thank you for your patience!

Our Delcampe sniper is back


After a lot of work, a lot of stress, a lot of testing (thanks again to our brave testers), a lot of fixing and tweaking... here we are again, well and kicking.

As you can guess just by the look of the website, there has been a lot of changes. Beside the fact that our Delcampe sniper is now operational again, here are the differences that our returning users should expect.

1/ The website is completely different.

The previous website was outdated. For instance, it could not be used on small screens. Moreover, recent changes on the auction websites forced us to completely change some of our processes.

For all these reasons, the new website is totally different. Functionally and visually. Changes can be a hurdle at first. Hopefully, you will learn to like the new website and it will eventually prove itself easier to use.

2/ Older Internet browsers are not compatible anymore.

You will need a fairly recent browser to interact with the new website. Internet Explorer is not supported anymore. If you are still using Internet Explorer 11, please consider switching to Edge, Firefox or Chrome. Please note that even Microsoft is gradually dropping support for IE 11.

3/ Your bidding accounts are gone from Snippy's.

The first thing you will have to do is to authorize our sniper to use your Delcampe account. The process is now different because of the new security settings on Delcampe. Further steps are required, on top of providing your Delcampe username and password.

We hope that the new layout will make this process smooth and easy. If you have any difficulty, feel free to contact us by e-mail. We will do our best to assist you.

Even though your bidding accounts are gone, your Snippy's account is still here. You can log in using your usual e-mail / password credential. Your snipe history and your snippies balance will still be there.

Today is quite a milestone for us. It is far from the end of the journey though. We have big plans for Snippy's. 2021 will be full of surprises. We hope you enjoy using our service, today, and for the years to come.